Who We've Helped: Southeast Texas Food Bank

March 18, 2023
A black and white photo of a group of people wearing Foundation t shirts listening to a speaker

Southeast Texas Food Bank

Donations from The Foundation help to support the Southeast Texas Food Bank - specifically, their Backpack Program. The Backpack Program is meant to alleviate child hunger in eight local counties by providing hungry children with nutritious and easy-to-prepare food at times when other resources are not available, such as weekends and school vacations. Students are discreetly provided with backpacks that are filled with child-friendly, non-perishable foods.

We reached out to hear more about some of the experiences volunteers and beneficiaries have had through the program.

"One of my students was having their house rebuilt, and had relocated to a home with 9 people living in it. I delivered food from the Food Bank there, and when he saw me he said, “Ms. McDaniel, is that you?” He seemed so happy to see me! I was overjoyed and knew what I was doing meant a lot. He was so happy to have his own things, his own food - it made me realize how much I take for granted. It was a great experience for me." - SETX Food Bank Volunteer
"A group of siblings at Memorial High School is being raised in a single-parent household. Since the pandemic, their parent has been working extremely long hours and does not receive Snap benefits. Both the parent and the students have been so grateful for the SETX Food Bank donations they receive." - SETX Food Bank Volunteer
"I delivered food to Gabriel and his family. Gabriel is in first grade, and lives with his grandparents and two cousins. His grandparents are both retired, and his parents do not work currently. Gabriel’s grandfather told me this food will help them immensely. His family came outside when I dropped the food off to tell me a big “thank you”. They appreciated the help so much." - SETX Food Bank Volunteer
"My success story for the Food Bank distribution is for Gabriel. Gabriel is in first grade and lives with his grandparents and two cousins. Gabriel’s grandparents are both retired and Gabriel’s parents are not currently working. Gabriel’s grandfather told me this food will help them immensely. Gabriel’s family came outside after I dropped the food off at the door and said a big thank you and they appreciated the help." - SETX Food Bank Volunteer
"Two of my students happen to be siblings. It’s been a struggle for me to contact their family, so I decided to call from the school phone last week and finally reached them. I explained the program from the Food Bank to their mom, and she was very grateful to receive the help. When we arrived at their house to deliver the food, she told me how she’s been dealing with numerous illnesses recently. The family was so excited and thankful to receive the meals and snacks. It made me proud to be part of the program." - Site Coordinator, Parnell Elementary
Several months ago, my assistant principal asked me to work with a pair of brothers who were struggling to meet hygiene needs. Shortly after meeting with the students and completing an assessment, we had spring break, and then were unable to return to school due to COVID. When I reached out to the family to check on them, the mother told me that they were having problems getting to the school for free meals. I gave her the contact information the school provided for people who had questions about meals and how to get them. When I spoke to her again, she said that she wasn’t able to reach them, but that her family would be okay. I was still concerned for the family, and with the support of the student’s teachers, I applied for them to have free food delivered from the Food Bank. When I brought the food to the family, the mother was so thankful. The food would help feed the family for several weeks, even after school let out. - SETX Food Bank Volunteer
"I made several attempts to contact a family at our school. After reaching out to several other teachers and staff, our counselor suggested that this family should get food from the Food Bank because they typically received backpacks of food during the school year. After a few more attempts, I finally reached the family and coordinated the food delivery for them. Their mother was so thankful. She explained that their youngest child, who was just going into first grade, would be having surgery in a few days. They would have to drive several hours for the procedure, and she told me the food would really help them financially during that time." - SETX Food Bank Volunteer
"It has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of our youth’s development and daily lives. We were able to provide additional snacks and meals for our students during COVID-19. Doing so when the students couldn’t come to school provided the opportunity to mingle briefly with our students, encourage them, and continue to assist those families in need. Students were always very excited to see their Site Coordinator and receive several gifts for academic completion, as well as meals and snacks from the Food Bank." - SETX Food Bank Volunteer

These are just a few of many, many stories - and more are written every day. Click here to help the Southeast Texas Food Bank continue the mission.

Information provided by Jimmy Sparks, Vice President of Development for the Southeast Texas Food Bank