Who We've Helped: Family Resource Center

March 18, 2023
A black and white photo of a group of people wearing Foundation t shirts listening to a speaker

The Foundation distributes some of its donations to the Family Resource Center. The Resource Center believes that all children, regardless of background or circumstance, deserve a chance. They offer care for children ages 4 - 13 with after-school programs and summer education and enrichment. But don't take it from us - staff at the Resource Center put it in their own words.

"For 20 years, the Family Resource Center has been known as a safe haven that serves more than 200 children every year.  Over 90% of the children we serve do not come from traditional two parent homes; rather, a large number of students are raised by a single parent or grandparent. This places our children at high risk for school-related troubles, truancy, and gang involvement. Our goal is to give our students a second home with loving caregivers and a chance to succeed in school and in their futures. Throughout our history, we have looked at what parents can afford, and we have not charged parents who have fallen on hard times. Organizations like The Foundation for Southeast Texas make this possible! Children deserve proper care and opportunity regardless of the parent/guardian’s income, and we believe, through The Foundation, we are able to serve the community and accomplish these goals each year." - Janine Holtz, The Family Resource Center

The Foundation's partnership helps the Family Resource Center to provide care for local students. Click here to help us, help them continue the mission.