What is a Giving Circle?

February 21, 2019
A black and white photo of a group of people wearing Foundation t shirts listening to a speaker

A giving circle is a group of individuals who come together to pool their resources and collectively decide which charity or nonprofits to donate to. It is an effective way of donating money and ensuring that the chosen charity or nonprofit gets the maximum benefit from the donation.

Giving circles, especially within organizations like The Foundation, are a great way to give back to society and help people in need. They provide an opportunity for members of the circle to come together and decide on which charity or nonprofit they would like to support. The collective decision-making process ensures that each member’s opinion is considered before a final decision is made.

With a giving circle, members can choose the right charity or nonprofit for their donations based on their values and interests. This allows them to have more control over where their money goes and how it will be used by the chosen organization.

The Foundation of Southeast Texas, established in 2008, has long been successful in creating positive change in the region through giving circles. The Foundation encourages philanthropy by creating an opportunity for individuals to invest in the community. Through these giving circles, members can donate money towards causes they are passionate about and help make a difference in the lives of those around them. By joining with other members, donors can have an even greater impact on the community than if they were donating alone. If you are looking for ways to give back and contribute to your community, consider joining a giving circle near you through The Foundation Southeast Texas.