Q&A: Foundation for Southeast Texas

February 21, 2019
A black and white photo of a group of people wearing Foundation t shirts listening to a speaker

Q: What is a foundation?

A: A foundation is an organization that is dedicated to philanthropy and the support of charitable causes. Foundations can be public, private, or corporate. Foundations provide a way for people to donate money that will make a difference in their community. Foundations also provide a way for individuals and corporations to invest in causes they believe in while receiving tax deductions on those donations. By working with foundations, donors can ensure that their money will be put toward a cause they strongly believe in and will have an impact on society as a whole.

Q: When I donate to The Foundation for Southeast Texas, what happens to the money?

A: The Foundation partners with dozens of local charitable organizations to identify the greatest areas of need. Funds are dispersed to maximize their impact.

Q: Why should I donate to The Foundation instead of giving directly to a nonprofit?

A: It can be difficult to find the right charities to donate to - but that’s where The Foundation comes in. The Foundation for Southeast Texas is committed to helping and serving our region through grants, donations, and other forms of philanthropic support. We connect our donors with the causes they care about, and have supported over 130 local nonprofits in 2022 alone. With The Foundation, your dollars aren’t just used up - they’re invested in ways that optimize their impact based on the specific, larger, long-term needs of each organization.

Q: I want to make a lasting impact! How do I start?

A: Donating to The Foundation for Southeast Texas is easy! Just click here to make a secure donation. You’re in the driver’s seat - simply use the dropdown menu to choose the fund you wish to support and watch the collective giving grow.